A Complete Guide to Using Magnetic Hooks on Cruises

A Complete Guide to Using Magnetic Hooks on Cruises

A Complete Guide to Using Magnetic Hooks on Cruises Author: Samantha Peters, Magnetics Expert   |   Date Updated 10.04.2024 Cruise ship cabins, known for their limited space, typically feature only a few hooks for hanging items. This is where magnetic hooks become...
A Complete Guide to Magnetic Materials

A Complete Guide to Magnetic Materials

The Guide to Magnetic Materials Learn all you need to know about which materials are magnetic. Welcome to our comprehensive guide on magnetic metals. In this article, we will delve into the world of magnetic metals and explore the properties and characteristics of...
How it works: MRI Machines and Magnets

How it works: MRI Machines and Magnets

How Magnets are used within MRI machines When we think about magnets and where we may find them being used around us, many of us forget about the world of medicine. A little known fact is that magnets are used within MRI machines with the help of radio waves to take a...
Who First Discovered Magnets?

Who First Discovered Magnets?

Who First Discovered Magnets There’s a lot of conflicting opinions as to who exactly discovered the first magnets,  on the one hand some argue that it was Ancient China and on the other hand others argue Ancient Greece. However, in 2500 BC, Ancient China were the...
How magnets help us navigate the sky

How magnets help us navigate the sky

How Magnets Help Us Navigate The Skies The History of the Compass The magnetic compass dates back to the Chinese Han Dynasty in 206 BC and relied on a naturally occurring magnetized rock whose iron ore strangely demonstrated magnetic properties. This rock was later...